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Each player has 200 Rosolini available to buy 8 athletes from the Italian national team in the competition (at least one athlete from each discipline);

it is mandatory to compose the team of 8 athletes and to appoint a captain;

Bonuses and maluses for each athlete will be awarded according to the regulations below.


+5 Post-race words of thanks

+10 The athlete delivers flowers on the podium to another person

+10 Real animals on the podium/ the athlete brings mascots

+10 The athlete throws kisses to the audience in the stands or to the audience at home

+10 The athlete climbs the lane after winning

+10 Emotion with evident tears at the end of the race

+10 The athlete claps his hands on the water after the race

+10 Athlete points to the sky after victory

+10 The athlete winks at the camera

+10 Athlete shows freshman hair

+15 L?atleta batte il cinque con ambassador

+15 The athlete involves the audience during the anthem

+15 Words of encouragement to the audience in the stands

+15 The athlete does Spiderman (during the sports presentation)

+20 The athlete dances during the presentation

+20 Twerking during the sports presentation

+20 Standing ovation from the public

+20 Greeting or dedication to Paolo

+20 The athlete says A greeting to Pope Francesco

+20 L'atleta riesce a far dire a qualche atleta straniero "daje"

+20 Athlete in the final starts from lane 4

+20 The athlete kisses the camera in the mixed zone

+20 The athlete explicitly says the word Fantasy European during interviews, social communications

+20 Athlete says the word 'cupolone'

+20 Athlete says the word 'alè Italia'

+20 Athlete enters with hat or sunglasses

+20 Dedication (banners, placards...) in the stands for the athlete

+20 Athlete says the word 'piccionaia'

+30 The athlete wears panama

+30 The athlete wears an accessory with a floral motif or pattern

+30 The athlete wears armrests

+30 Getting a police escort

+40 Wedding proposals

+50 Athlete receives a greeting from his favourite

+100 The athlete never plunges his or her head into the water

+100 Diver or artistic swimmer uses goggles during the competition

+100 The athlete takes a dive and scores 0


-10 Il presentatore sbaglia il cognome dell'atleta pre-gara

-10 Director misses athlete anthem

-20 Stumbling on the podium

-20 Breaking or tearing of the costume

-20 Belly flop from trampoline

-100 Disqualified athlete


  • Entrance athlete presentation;
  • Competition (afternoon competitions only: semi-finals and finals);
  • Post-match (e.g. jubilation/pool exit);
  • Mixed zone;
  • Social (tagging content @Federnuoto and #fantaeuropeo).


50 Credits:


  • Federico Burdisso
  • Thomas Ceccon
  • Elena Di Liddo
  • Nicolò Martinenghi
  • Alessandro Miressi
  • Gregorio Paltrinieri 
  • Benedetta Pilato
  • Simona Quadarella
  • Dario Verani
  • Lorenzo Zazzeri


Artistic Swimming

  • Giorgio Minisini
  • Lucrezia Ruggiero
  • Linda Cerruti
  • Costanza Ferro



  • Elena Bertocchi
  • Chiara Pellacani
  • Matteo Santoro
  • Giovanni Tocci


Open Water

  • Rachele Bruni
  • Giulia Gabbrielleschi
  • Gregorio Paltrinieri


High Diving

  • Elisa Cosetti
  • Alessandro De Rose

30 Credits:


  • Domenico Acerenza 
  • Martina Carraro
  • Arianna Castiglioni
  • Ilaria Cusinato
  • Gabriele Detti
  • Manuel Frigo
  • Lorenzo Galossi
  • Filippo Megli
  • Lorenzo Mora
  • Luca Pizzini
  • Alberto Razzetti
  • Matteo Restivo
  • Fabio Scozzoli


Artistic Swimming

  • Team Italia



  • Lorenzo Marsaglia


Open Water

  • Domenico Acerenza 
  • Ginevra Taddeucci


High Diving

  • Veronica Papa

15 Credits:


  • Ilaria Bianchi
  • Martina Caramignoli
  • Giacomo Carini
  • Simone Cerasuolo
  • Matteo Ciampi
  • Costanza Cocconcelli
  • Piero Codia
  • Marco De Tullio
  • Stefano Di Cola
  • Silvia Di Pietro
  • Luca Dotto
  • Francesca Fangio
  • Sara Franceschi
  • Alice Mizzau
  • Margherita Panziera
  • Matteo Rivolta
  • Silvia Scalia
  • Federica Toma


  • Sarah Jodoin Di Maria
  • Andreas Sargent Larsen

Open Water

  • Martina De Memme
  • Matteo Furlan
  • Barbara Pozzobon
  • Veronica Santoni
  • Mario Sanzullo

High Diving

  • Davide Baraldi

10 Credits:


  • Lisa Angiolini
  • Alessandro Bori
  • Linda Caponi
  • Andrea Castello
  • Antonietta Cesarano
  • Noemi Cesarano
  • Antonella Crispino
  • Luca De Tullio
  • Leonardo Deplano
  • Claudio Faraci
  • Francesca Fresia
  • Lorenzo Gargani
  • Riccardo Giovannini
  • Michele Lamberti
  • Andrea Manzi
  • Pierandrea Matteazzi
  • Sofia Morini
  • Federico Poggio
  • Simone Stefanì
  • Chiara Tarantino



  • Maia Biginelli
  • Elettra Neroni
  • Eduard Gugiu Timbretti


Open Water

  • Sofie Callo
  • Silvia Ciccarella
  • Marcello Guidi


High Diving

  • Andrea Barnaba


The team must consist of eight athletes from the Italian national team, at least one per discipline using the 200 Rosolini available. The Fanta Europeo created by Federnuoto involves the athletes of the Italian national team to highlight the aquatic skills, but above all the goliardic side of our champions. It will be a new way to get to know other aspects of the Azzurri, both veterans and freshmen;

Remember to choose your team captain!

Points will be awarded during the afternoon competitions and interviews (both semi-finals and finals);

The Italian Artistic Swimming Team counts as an individual athlete;

An athlete participating in more than one discipline may only be purchased once.


  • Save the grid and compose your team. Let the athlete know that they have been called to your team by sharing a story, tag @Federnuoto and insert the hashtag
  • Points will be awarded as per the regulations;
  • Check the IG Federnuotopage, each evening, the points collected by the various athletes will be published.