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ITA Airways. "Naming Azzurri" Pellegrini and Calligaris stars

Un’onda azzurra travolge il cuore e i sentimenti degli italiani. Il nome di Novella Calligaris e Federica Pellegrini, protagoniste di cinquant’anni di successi azzurri nel nuoto, sarà impresso nella livrea di due jet pronti a decollare nei cieli grazie a ITA Airways.

The "Naming Azzurri" survey was an initiative of the new national airline that asked people to nominate Azzurri champions not in activity to name aircraft after.

The first Italian Olympic medallist Novella Calligaris was very pleased: "ITA's story makes us understand once again that when Italy is a team, it wins. As president of the Azzurri Olympians I think it is very important to honour the Azzurri, as our association does every day. Seeing your name on the side of an aircraft is really a great satisfaction. I think of my grandchildren who will say: hey, here's grandma's plane!
Among the legends and protagonists of Italian sport at the presentation were Bebe Vio, Gregorio Paltrinieri, Simone Barlaam and Novella Calligaris.

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