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Artistic swimmer Prikazchikova (ISR) pays tribute to italian singer Celentano

At the artistic swimming’s opening event, the many Italian fans who had come to the Pietrangeli Stadium’s stands were struck by the notes of a song that certainly sounded familiar to them.
"Ma perché non l'hai detto prima, chi non ama non sarà amato mai [But why did you not say it before, who does not love will never be loved],” the song goes, accompanied by engaging music and an inimitable voice. The track is by Adriano Celentano, an italian music icon, as well as a showman, actor, director, screenwriter and TV author: a well-rounded artist within the Italian scene, famous all over the world for songs such as "Azzurro [Blue]," "Il Ragazzo Della Via Gluck [The Boy from Gluck Street]" and "La Coppia Più Bella Del Mondo [The Most Beautiful Couple in The World]“. 
The tribute came from Israeli artistic swimmer Polina Prikazchikova, who performed her solo free routine on Thursday and will be in the pool again tomorrow for the final at 9:30. The song, titled "Confessa [Confess],” was written by Mogol and Gianni Bella, two Italian music legends. “Quando viene la sera e il ricordo pian piano scompare, la tristezza nel cuore apre un vuoto più grande del mare [When the evening comes, and the memory slowly disappears, the sadness in the heart, opens an emptiness larger than the sea],” the song says.
Certainly, in the venue in Rome, the sadness was not there, because even though the cheers were all for the home athletes, hearing familiar notes and voices brought more than a few smiles to the fans.

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